We run away from overweight. All about running for weight loss

Many people believe that running is the most effective way to lose weight. Whether this is true or not and how to run correctly to lose weight, we will learn from experts and those who have already lost weight through this sport.

A girl prepares to jog to lose weight

Exercise has always been considered the most effective way to lose weight. They allow you to fight excess weight by burning a large number of calories in a way that is safe for the body. Diet is the breakdown of fat deposits on the stomach and sides through proper nutrition. As subcutaneous deposits disappear, the skin sags and the body takes on a shape that is not quite the one you dreamed of. Therefore, running for weight loss is exactly what you need!

How many calories are consumed?

How many calories do you burn when you run? In just one hour of measured jogging or running up the stairs, the body loses up to a third of the calories in the average daily diet. That is, out of 1500 kcal, you can burn 500. If you add proper nutrition to this method, through simple calculations, you can come to the conclusion that with the help of ordinary running, you will lose the maximum number of kilos in a short time.

Calorie consumption during running. Table

Type of race Weight, kg) and energy consumption (kcal/h)
50 60 70 80 90
Measured 412 465 525 580 635
Interval 665 798 931 1060 2033
On the stairs 645 774 903 1029 2002

How to start running from scratch

For every beginner, a running program for weight loss should be prepared. In addition, important nuances should not be forgotten.

Basic rules

How to run to lose weight? Then follow the rules:

  • Beginners are taught to run at least 3 times a week. Each race is 30 minutes. As soon as you feel that you are used to this load, move on to 45 minutes. You can increase the number of sessions to 4 repetitions per week. How much you need to run to lose weight in the future is up to you.
  • Doctors argue about whether it is harmful for a person to run in the morning. Numerous studies show that running in the morning is beneficial for weight loss. The explanation is simple – at this time of the day there is an extremely small amount of glycogen in the human liver. Therefore, the body must look for additional sources for its consumption, one of which is fat stores. Therefore, the maximum amount of fat is burned during a morning jog. But if you are not able to run in the morning, do it in the evening. Such activities will also be beneficial.
  • Before jogging (including stairs), do a warm-up. This will warm up the muscles, adjust the breathing to the desired rhythm and prevent sprains.
  • For training, choose clothes that do not restrict movement and sports shoes with comfortable soles.
  • You should not run on asphalt or concrete. It is advisable to do this in specially designated places (for example, on the rubberized surface of a stadium, dirt or grass).
  • Buy a heart rate monitor that allows you to monitor your heart rate throughout the activity.
  • Don't start running too fast. The feet must not be too far off the ground. You should not try to reach your buttocks with your heels and you should not raise your knees high. This technique will be useful to you in the future when your body gets used to the stress and you can move on to more intense training.
  • You must breathe through your nose. Listen to your body, catch the rhythm and adjust your breathing. It is difficult for beginners to get used to this technique, but they must try.
  • After jogging, do not make an abrupt stop. Start at a fast pace, gradually slow down. This is the only way you will allow your heart to calmly adjust to a different rhythm.
  • At the end of the session, stretch out. In the evening you can take a warm, relaxing bath or foot bath.
  • Train at home to avoid missing a workout in bad weather. A treadmill for weight loss is an equally effective way to get rid of excess weight.

You don't have to go outside to start exercising. Running on the spot for weight loss in your own apartment is no less effective for beginners. It is enough to open a door or a window to let fresh air into the house. In addition, you can run up the entrance stairs when it is not possible to do so on the street. The most important thing is to breathe correctly.

Running program for beginners. Table

One week Schedule:
run - walk [- run] (min. )
Total duration
training (min. )
1 12 21
2 2 - 2 20
3 3 - 2 20
4 5 - 2 21
5 6 - 1, 5 22. 5
6 8 - 1, 5 19
7 10 - 1, 5 23
8 12 - 1 - 8 21
9 15 - 1 - 5 21
10 20 - 0 20

Correct heart rate when running

To understand whether you are risking your health, measure your heart rate before and after a run. Especially when you start training from scratch.


  • The normal heart rate when running for a trained person should be 120-130 beats per minute. A beginner should strive for this.
  • Be sure to measure your heart rate after running for 15-20 minutes. It should correspond to what is observed before training.
  • It is also recommended to use a heart rate monitor during exercise to monitor your heart rate. When running, the heart rate should not increase above 140-150 beats per minute (increase from the initial value - no more than 70%). When your heart rate reaches this limit, start walking.
  • If you can run (even very slowly) with a heart rate of 120-130, this is already a good result for a beginner. In untrained people, the heart rate can exceed the permissible norm even with a slight acceleration. Don't worry, with regular training you will gradually learn to run with a low heart rate. Until this happens, do not increase the intensity of the movement, even if you are almost walking, and this load seems very simple to you.
  • Adjust the question of how much you need to run to lose weight based on your heart rate readings. Exercising every other day for 30 minutes (with a further increase in intensity) will soon pay off for both cardio and weight loss!

Remember that by ignoring your heart rate while you jog, you may inadvertently be wearing out your heart muscle instead of strengthening it.

Heart rate norms for running by age. Table

Age (years) Optimal
contractions (per minute)
Maximum frequency
(in a minute)
20-25 120-150 200
26-30 115-145 195
31-35 115-142 190
36-40 110-140 185
41-45 105-135 180
46-50 105-130 175
51-55 100-128 170
56-60 100-125 165
61-65 95-120 160
66-70 95-118 155
over 70 90-115 150

Interval running morning and evening

Maximum efficiency can be achieved when riding in variable load conditions with a belt around the waist. That is, a slow rhythm from time to time alternates with acceleration. At the same time, fat on the stomach and sides disappears very quickly. In half an hour of jogging, a marathon runner can lose up to 300 grams, and at a mixed pace - up to half a kilo. The same amount of calories burned per day when you run at intervals is not spent walking or doing any other form of exercise.

Benefits and rules

Interval running has another advantage - small increases in load make it possible to effectively work the muscles of the stomach, calves, thighs and buttocks. In this case, this is an excellent substitute for expensive training equipment and trips to the gym. Interval running on the street and at home has its own laws, complying with which you will quickly achieve your goal - to lose weight in a short time:

  • It is recommended to train in the morning or evening at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes.
  • Run only in the morning after training, and not before it.
  • Gradually increase the time and decide how much you need to run to lose weight individually.

Interval running for weight loss is a sequence of actions and loads for each day. A special system has been developed for beginners.


The sequence of actions for interval running is as follows:

  1. You need to start your weight loss workout by putting on a weight loss belt (if you use one).
  2. Jog slowly for 5 minutes, moving from a brisk walk to a run.
  3. Next, accelerate and run as fast as possible. Your body will tell you when to run. Minimum - 2-3 minutes.
  4. Slow down and keep jogging, listen to your body. Even if you don't have the strength and want to stop, go for the slowest run, but don't stand still. As you move up the stairs, don't try to stop, take one step.
  5. As soon as you feel your heart rate and breathing return, run at a medium speed.
  6. Now speed up again and repeat the whole complex again.

Interval running program for weight loss. Table

Time load
0: 00 – 3: 00 (3 min. ) Walk at a medium pace
3: 01 – 4: 00 (1 min. ) Quick walk
4: 01 - 5: 00 (30 sec. ) Run
5: 01 – 5: 30 (1 min. ) Quick walk
5: 31 – 6: 00 (30 sec. ) Jump into place "feet together - feet apart"
6: 01 – 7: 00 (1 min. ) Quick walk
7: 01 – 7: 30 (30 sec. ) Side jump in place, feet together
7: 31 – 8: 30 (1 min. ) Quick walk
8: 31 - 9: 00 (30 sec. ) Run
9: 01 – 10: 00 (1 min. ) Walk at a medium pace

Reviews left in large numbers by those who have experienced interval running for weight loss say that the results are impressive. According to some reports, you can lose up to a kilo per week with the help of such training.

What to eat and how to drink while running?

Particularly impressive results await you if you follow proper nutrition. If you start jogging to lose weight, your food should be chosen taking into account certain features of this type of exercise.

Tips & Tricks

  • It is better not to eat anything before training. How many calories does running burn if you eat? None! After you have eaten, the body begins to process glucose from the stomach, leaving the stored fat layer untouched. In addition, it is uncomfortable and even harmful to exercise on a full stomach! If you are very hungry, have a snack of low-fat cottage cheese or drink a glass of 1% kefir.
  • The maximum amount of water you may drink half an hour before a run is 1 glass. You can also drink tea with sugar, coffee or juice.
  • It is not advisable to drink during and immediately after training. It is recommended to take small sips of water or rinse your mouth if necessary. After half an hour or an hour, you can drink as much liquid as you want.
  • You should not eat earlier than 2 hours after cardio training.
  • Be sure to eat high protein foods after your morning run. Food from a sports nutrition store will also work. The amount of protein consumed should be no less than 0. 5 and no more than 0. 7 g per1 kg weight.
  • If you run in the evening, then to quickly lose weight, it is better to eat a light dinner (for example, a vegetable salad with chicken breast and kefir).
  • Food containing fats is not recommended.

Recommended and prohibited products

The following foods will provide the body with energy for each day (foods that can only be consumed after training):

  • dried fruits;
  • natural honey;
  • tomato juice (freshly squeezed);
  • pasta (you need to cook it so that it remains slightly moist);
  • rice (all);
  • yogurt (preferably homemade).

Remove the following foods from your diet:

  • beans;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • potatoes (in any form);
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • sweets and pastries;
  • Fast food;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach.

All other vegetables and fruits are welcome.

You can run to lose weight not only in the morning, but also in the evening.

Treadmill: benefits of losing weight

Running (including stairs) involves active physical activity, which results in the breakdown of fats and the release of a huge amount of thermal energy. To cool a hot body, the body may begin to sweat. Fluid prevents us from overheating.

The weight loss belt is designed in such a way that it heats the body in places where it is necessary to lose excess fat. The same is cling film, which is wrapped around the thighs and stomach, as a result of which, when jogging, fats are broken down more actively under the influence of heat.

The principle of operation of the equipment is simple - the body, realizing that it cannot cope with the cooling function, begins to produce even more sweat. At the same time, fats are broken down much more actively, so you can remove extra kilos faster.

The belt is especially useful for those who use interval running to lose weight and run up stairs to lose belly fat. An additional load will be the contraction of the abdominal muscles during running. This will enhance the effect, help remove fat deposits and tighten the skin on the stomach.

Running or cycling: which is better for losing weight?

Many people prefer both methods to keep their own figure in good shape. Reviews of those who have lost weight differ in this regard. Everyone chooses what they like best. However, it is worth dwelling on the benefits of each type of training.

The benefits of cycling

  • Cycling is a much less dangerous sport than running.
  • When cycling, there is no excessive strain on the joints and spine, as there is when running.
  • Cycling provides a more comfortable strain on the muscles, without jerks and stress.
  • You can cycle without fear, even if you are overweight.
  • Cycling allows you to simultaneously exercise and see interesting places during the trip. This is a wonderful tool for those who love long journeys.
  • Although cycling burns fewer calories than interval or regular running, you can cycle without overexerting yourself for much longer.

Normal driving will have a less positive effect. That's why you have to drive fast to really lose weight.

Benefits of running

  • Running is considered one of the best forms of physical activity for human health and for rapid weight loss.
  • Jogging down the street and up the stairs uses the maximum number of muscles.
  • The body burns more energy even when jogging than when cycling.
  • To lose the same amount of excess weight, a runner needs 2-3 times less time than a cyclist.

Does running help you lose weight quickly and effectively? Undoubtedly!

Jogging will help you get a beautiful and slim body.

Contraindications and precautions for jogging

Interval and any other running, besides having a positive effect on the human body, can also cause some injuries. Therefore, it is better for people with the following diseases to choose a gentler way to lose weight:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • injuries and disorders of the spine;
  • any chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • knee joint problems;
  • cold or flu;
  • high degree of obesity;
  • serious gynecological diseases.

Listen to your body's condition. If you feel unwell, reschedule your race for the next day. Learn to distinguish muscle soreness after exercise from other causes of pain. Monitor your heart rate. A rapid pulse may indicate a malfunction of the heart.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Reviews from those who have experienced this remedy can help you decide if running helps you lose weight.

  • "I don't like diets and I'm not a marathon runner! I'm generally a person who loves to eat. I decided to start doing sports. There was no time to go to the gym, so I joined a friend, who ran every morning with a weight loss belt (to remove belly fat). The results are impressive. In one month I lost 4 kg that I had gained on vacation, my breathing became easier and I had a lot of energy. Ispossible to lose weight by running? Undoubtedly! "
  • "I started to feel pain in my legs in the evening. First I started taking pills, then the doctor prescribed injections. But health is more valuable, and I decided to try jogging in the morning. I didn't see any noticeable changes right away. I realized only a month later, when I spent a whole evening without pain in my legs. Now I take my wife with me for my morning run. She has already lost 3 kg and is trying to lose more. "
  • "Everything must be done wisely. I ran intervals. I trained on a paved path in a nearby park. My legs started to hurt. Then I tried to start running on dirt roads. The pain is gone. I just want to say one thing - Ijust don't know of any weight loss systems more effective than interval running with a belt! "
Running up the stairs is a great way to get rid of excess weight.

Running or cycling, jogging down the street or jogging in place for weight loss, with or without a belt, in the morning or in the evening - the choice is yours! Observe the correct system of distribution of physical activity, a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, and your body will delight you with beauty and harmony.